Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Day 30: Letter to Your Husband

We made it!! Here we are at day 30.  Bittersweet, right?

So, today's topic was a wrap up of everything we gleaned from this devotional and an opportunity to put it all to work in a love letter to our husbands.  Jennifer asks us which part of the challenge was the most difficult part.  For me, it was just beginning.  I think a love letter is an ultimate and very profound way to end our journey in this devotional so I wanted my love letter to begin just as my emotions are about it.

As far as giving it to Torey, I'm not sure how I will do that.  But I certainly am praying over it for just the right moment and way to give it to him.  What did you ladies find to be the hardest part of the letter?  Do you think you will publish it through Jennifer's webpage?  I haven't decided myself yet.

Again, thank you for taking this journey with me ladies.  I am so so so thankful for each of you and all that you've shared.  My faith has exponentially grown and I feel like I've grown so much as a person as well.  Not to mention, I feel more at peace day-to-day and feel more happiness in general.

Here is Jennifer's day 30 youtube video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uDtSWNoYIoo&feature=share&list=UU4eNMsClvcxA8kRdpQwEBNw&index=1


  1. Hi Ladies,

    Today certainly is a bittersweet day! We completed the 30-day Wife After God devotional. We met the challenge to grow as women, as wives, and as Christians! While today seems like a journey is coming to a close, I think the journey is only beginning. The first part of the journey was meeting here each day and going through this devotional together. The rest of the journey will be to live it! To live out the challenges, calls to actions, and lessons we've learned through this study. God calls us to be a light to others and a blessing. You never know how much you doing this devotional can bless or encourage other wives and friends around you. Never forget the lessons we've learned in this study. Refer back to the scriptures and challenges. Share this book/study with others. I think our small group in this Bible study/devotional has a much bigger purpose than to just help our own marriages and draw closer to God. I believe we can encourage other women and wives who might be looking to get out of a rocky marriage, who may not know where else to turn, who might be at her breaking point. It is my prayer that God will use each of us to share and encourage others through the devotional we've just completed.

    I love each of you dearly. You have been such an encouragement and support system for me.

    I plan to leave this blog up and post prayer requests, share scripture, and allow it to be there to encourage anyone who might see this.

    As for today's call of action, I have not written my letter to Justin yet. I want to be in a still, quiet place to pour my heart into the letter and to become unveiled. The hardest part for me will be to not write a novel. I have some many things I want to share, confess, and encourage him with. And I trust God's perfect timing to reveal the best time to give him this letter. I spent sometime last night reading over the letters on Jennifer's blog. They were all so different but so encouraging. If you have a chance check them out. I probably will publish mine to her site.


    Love and Blessings to you girls!

    1. I have already suggested this devotional to a friend of mine who is in the midst of a "rock bottom" point in her marriage. I can't wait to see how she transforms and see how her marriage turns around! :-)

  2. The 30 days of this devotional really flew by, and I have enjoyed everyone of them. I was having a really hard time in my marriage when I was asked to begin this devotional. I believe that God works in mysterious ways, and he meant for me to take this challenge.

    Like Trina, I feel that the true journey is just beginning. I pray that God continues to inspire me in regards to writing a letter to my husband. I have not started, but I plan to take my time and pray and ask God to assist me in finding the words that I need to write to truly become unveiled. I think that this challenge is the most important one. This is what this devotional was all about. I believe that God is working in my marriage. I have seen some great improvements, and I plan to use this momentum to bring my husband and I closer to God as a couple.

    Thank you for taking this challenge with me! If you ever need inspiration or words of encouragement, I am here!


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